[Ask an Expert] “Carbon footprint” – Understanding to take action!
[Ask an Expert] “Carbon footprint” – Understanding to take action!

[Ask an Expert] “Carbon footprint” – Understanding to take action!

[Ask an Expert] “Carbon footprint” – Understanding to take action!

15/03/2024 8:00 pm Hanoi Toronto School

As part of the ILOS-Scientists program specifically designed for schools within the ISP global education network, a webinar series brings questions from young scientists directly to world-leading experts in the field of carbon footprint.

Speaker Adam Levy – a Doctor from Oxford University specializing in Atmospheric Physics – provided a more understandable and vivid perspective for the students. Dr. Levy shared that his life goal is to make complex scientific concepts understandable to the general audience and to disseminate them widely, deeply, early, and effectively.

This activities series is conducted regularly throughout the academic year, giving students the opportunity to directly engage with world-leading experts while still in school. The program goes beyond “one-way knowledge exchange”; throughout the seminar, students are free to ask their own questions, making the program feel like a casual meeting and exchange.
