“A woman’s whole life is a history of the affections”
“A woman’s whole life is a history of the affections”

“A woman’s whole life is a history of the affections”

“A woman’s whole life is a history of the affections”

08/03/2024 8:00 pm Hanoi Toronto School

♥️ Love accompanies knowledge

At HTS, students celebrate festive days not just with words. In class 3GO, they learn about the history of the occasion, discovering women who inspired both their teacher and themselves. Students learn to think independently and craft special gifts for the women around them!

These are vouchers accompanied by promises, actions ensuring that the students dedicate to the “women in their lives”!

“I promise to have dinner earlier!”; “100 back-punches for mom”; “Hug my sister twenty times”; “Voucher for mom’s hugs”; “Voucher for massaging mom’s feet”; “Timeless voucher for hugging mom tightly”; …

In class 2GI, students utilize pottery making and drawing to send crafted products with their love to their mothers.

Every hour, groups of students in the school corridor, making joyful candies, offer them to the “women of HTS.”

All the love they give, together we cherish at this school.

♥️ Love is intertwined with action

Today is not just a day for students to send wishes; it’s also a day when the men of HTS sincerely appreciate every female teachers and staff members.

Today, the gift-bearing cart, brought by Principal Lee and Vice Principal John, visits every class, every office, to gift and congratulate the teachers and staff who dedicate themselves day in and day out.

The smiles, the deep appreciation, the applause, all gather here on International Women’s Day, March 8!

Happy Women’s Day, from Hanoi Toronto School with love!
